Monday 23 November 2015

Reason We All Say 'Hello' When Answering Phone Calls

Reason We All Say 'Hello' When Answering Phone Calls  
No. This is a popular hoax on internet.

Mabel Hubbard was Bell's girlfriend who he later marries on 1877. The telephone was patented in 1876.

Graham Bell actually never used the term "hello" . The first call he made was to his assistant who was in the adjoining room and he said "Come-here. I want to see you."

The word "Hello" actually came from hola which meant to stop and pay attention. Alexander Bell preferred to use Ähoy"as in the ships those days which co-incidentally was misheard by Edison.

In 1877, Edison wrote to T.B.A. David, the president of the Central District and Printing Telegraph Company of Pittsburgh:
Friend David, I do not think we shall need a call bell as Hello! can be heard 10 to 20 feet away.
What you think? Edison - P.S. first cost of sender & receiver to manufacture is only $7.00.

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